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Fayetteville, GA

Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine Associates, LLP - Logo
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Center For Sleep Disorders

Established 1986 | Accredited Sleep Lab | Telehealth Sleep Consultations

Established 1986

Accredited Sleep Lab

Telehealth Sleep Consultations

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Schedule Appointment Online

Preparing for your Sleep Study

To ensure the best results:

  • Remove any dark nail polish and if possible, no acrylic nails
  • Arrive with hair washed and dried, no hairspray, gel, wigs, weaves or braids.
  • Arrive on time by 8:00 pm
  • Your safety is our priority. Please notify the lab of any special needs prior to appointment (e.g. trouble getting in/out of bed, any physical limitations, frequent nighttime urination, impairments, language limitations etc.) If you require the use of a walker or cane, please bring it with you. Our rooms must stay clear for any emergency situations, therefore if you utilize a scooter, we ask that you be able to transfer to a wheelchair and leave the scooter outside of the room. If necessary, we may require a care giver or family member to stay with you during the study.
  • Notify your sleep tech of any prescription medications or recreational drugs you take (be as honest as possible)


If you anticipate being late or have an emergency, please contact the Sleep Center at (770) 996-6699 as soon as possible.

Day of Scheduled Sleep Test

  • On the day of your study avoid naps and caffeine.
  • Arrive having freshly washed and dried hair.
  • No hair gel, hairspray, wigs, weaves, or braids in hair.
  • The technician must be able to get to your scalp.
  • Avoid red or dark nail polish.
  • If the technician is unable to achieve an acceptable “hook up” and obtain required data signals it will result in the study being rescheduled.
  • Eat dinner prior to arriving at the lab. Arrive by 8:00 pm. 


You should receive an e-mail from “Somnoware” which is our sleep system and will contain some patient paperwork. Please complete “due today” paperwork prior to arriving at the lab. You will electronically complete and sign these forms using a mouse or touch screen. You do not need to bring a copy with you as we will receive the completed forms electronically. Please notify the technician upon arrival if you were unable to complete these forms or if you have any questions regarding the forms.  Most people do not know they suffer from a serious sleep disorder. The doctors at the Center for Sleep Disorders can easily identify and effectively treat your condition. You can trust our board-certified physicians with your sleep.

What To Bring - Patient Checklist:

Please bring the following with you to the Sleep Lab:

  • Comfortable sleepwear (try to avoid satin clothing)One favorite pillow and/or blanket, if you choose
  • Toiletries, (we don’t provide)
  • Diabetic testing supplies and snack if needed.
  • Nighttime Medications
  • The Sleep Lab provides sheets, blankets, pillows, wash cloths/hand towels, fans, and heaters.

Please note our patient rooms do not have individual bathrooms, however we have bathrooms located near the patient rooms. We do not have shower facilities.

  • Arrive by 8:00 pm
  • You will be ready to leave around 05:30 am the NEXT morning.


Night of the sleep study

  • After you have completed some minor required paperwork, you can get ready for bed.
  • The technician will be in to complete the ‘hook up’ process. The hook up process is the placing of the wires/equipment on your person. This process can take 40 minutes to an hour; it does not hurt and does not require any needles or chemicals.
  • You will have a (Crisco-like) paste on your head when you leave in the morning so it will take some washing when you get home.
  • Please understand that anytime you come in for a sleep study, you will be ‘hooked up’ for monitoring purposes.
  • Your study normally starts at around 10:00 pm.
  • You may use your cell phone prior to “lights out” however, to avoid disruptions once the study has begun, we require your cell phone be turned off or placed on silence. The phone cannot remain in the bed. It must be on the nightstand or placed with your personal belongings.
  • You may leave our office number with a family member for an emergency contact.

After the study

In the morning you will be awakened by the sleep technician and you will be ready to head home at around 05:30 am. The technician will not provide you results of your sleep study that morning. Once the study has been scored by the sleep technologist, the physician will interpret the study and make recommendations on treatment according to the diagnosis. Please allow at least 10 to 14 working days to complete your study results.

You should complete the “post sleep questionnaire” before you leave in the morning.

In the e-mail you received regarding patient questionnaires you will see a “patient satisfaction survey”. We would appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey to provide us feedback on your experience with our facility.

Get Ready for a Good Night's Sleep

Call now to get assessed at our accredited sleep center

(770) 769-2208

(770) 769-2208

Convenient Scheduling Options

At Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine Associates, LLP, we understand that your time is valuable. That's why we focus on making the appointment scheduling process as simple and convenient as possible. Below are three convenient options for scheduling an appointment with us:

1. Scan this QR code

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2. Click this link

Schedule Appointment Online

3. Or call our office at (770) 769-2208

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Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine Associates, LLP

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